Great Parenting Simplified.
Simply great parenting.

 You aren't meant to parent alone. We've got you. 
 Parenting can be overwhelming. You want to be the best parent, but so often parents are stuffling because there is so much information and well-intentioned help.

Where do you start?

At Great Parenting Simplified Nonprofit Cooperative, we understand the importance of simplicityit's in our name.

GPS' mission is to bring useable tools, resources and personalized coaching to parents. Why?

Take one minute to listen to this tip that reveals the root of so many parenting challenges
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Our Method
The world is complicated. Parenting shouldn't be.

At GPS, we believe that less is more. This movement is called Great Parenting Simplified because the work of sifting through information has been done for you. We’ve taken proven science along with reliable techniques, and condensed them down to a few basic and coherent steps. This means less of your time spent sifting through information, and more on applying great tips and enjoying your precious family.

We recognize that growth and learning are not one-size-fits-all. Our trained Parent coaches help you apply our tools and resources through consistent programming, designed to guarantee confidence and sustainability. We also remain connected through every step of your journey. This ensures every parent has support in becoming the parent they want to be.


Our Organizational Model 
While fulfilling our purpose to empower parents and families to be strong, resilient and joyful, we determined a nonprofit cooperative model would fit GPS best. This is because we believe in the power of our team and coaches working openly and cooperatively to bring the best to you.

When we became a nonprofit cooperative in 2020, we defined our future. As a nonprofit, we are driven by our collective passion to support the growth and development of our parents and families, not profit. This allows us to focus on what matters most: helping strong parents raise amazing kids.

As a cooperative, we bring together a dedicated Board of Directors to provide meaningful guidance and direction, our certified GPS Parent Coaches, and our parent community. Together, we ensure that you receive the best in programming and support. Cooperatively, we build strong families. Cooperatively, everyone wins.

One-on-One Coaching 

Think about your biggest parenting challenge. Now imagine how much happier you and your family would be without it. If you need extra individualized support, help with following through and increased accountability, our Great Parenting Simplified Certified Coaches can help you!

No matter what you are struggling with, our skilled coaches will ensure you get the right information and support to find the solutions you need. They are committed to bringing you their best. Our coaches don’t just provide general advice. They provide tailored advice and support to help with your unique situation. Information is powerful, but personalized coaching and support ensure long-term success.

"The thing I'm most grateful for in my life is my transformation from a parenting disaster to a master. To make the tranformation, I had to learn to focus on myself as my children's most important first leader. I had to figure out how to get the support I needed to apply the powerful tips I was learning, and to get off of the endless treadmill of consuming more parenting ideas. Ironically, I was running the first ever big parenting interview series, the Great Parenting Show, which led to me interviewing over 150 of the world's top experts. Meanwhile, I was yelling at my kids and I felt like such a failure. I KNEW what to do, but when I was triggered, I was clueless. I felt like such a loser.

Great Parenting Simplified was formed from my realization that I was the norm, not the exception. Privately, even some of the experts I was interviewing shared that they were struggling with the same challenges that included their own serious mental health issues as they dealt with similar feelings of being a fraud. It broke my heart when I heard from so many parents who were consuming the information that I was sharing with them through the Great Parenting Show, and who were also yelling more, not less. As I started to find the way to help myself, I vowed to pass that on to other parents. That's how this international movement was born. 

I'm honored to be able to use my firsthand experience with clinical depression and a very challenging home environment to give struggling parents hope. As a professional who chose to quit work to be home with my kids, I was shocked to find myself in a marriage with escalating physical violence. I was able to stop that cycle by going to an emergency shelter with my two little children. That started me on a path to learning now to be the leader my kids needed me to be. I now pass on the tools I used to help me become the mother I had vowed to be for my two precious children, now 24 and 26. At the heart of my approach is creating a supportive environment for your growth as a parent, as you are one of your child’s most important leaders."

~ Jacqueline Green
Founder, Parent Coach and Executive Director of
Great Parenting Simplified Nonprofit Cooperative

The tools I now use regularly, such as the pause button help me to be a much calmer mother.  I am not perfect but I am much improved.  I know now that I am not a monster.  I am simply a mom who needed help.
 - Karen S, New England, USA 
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