Growth Mindset. Alignment. Support.
Our range of programs give you access to support, skills and knowledge, using a process that is guided by our three core principles:
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Growth Mindset

Great parenting, and great families, start with a growth mindset where you believe you can grow and change. You may already be aware of how important a growth mindset is for your kids to thrive. The much less known secret is it starts with you mastering the growth mindset.

With a growth mindset, you can correct and continue, instead of dwelling on the negative. When you blow it and say, yell at your kids, you won’t waste your precious time and energy being mad at yourself. Knowing that you can change, you search for and get the support and tools you need to move from a fixed mindset, to a growth mindset. You see the future being more than what you’ve done in the past.

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  Alignment, a GPS value and very real force that is widely studied in developmental psychology, can also be referred to as attachment. We prefer the word alignment in part because it avoids confusion with attachment-parenting, which has some similarities, but diverges from the science of attachment.

Alignment can be defined as the connection that makes us want to cooperate with and behave like or for another. Humans are very social creatures, and we are very influenced by those who we are deeply aligned with. But for a variety of reasons, alignment is quite strained in most families. The result is kids who don’t listen or naturally model their parents as well as they used to do. This causes great frustration, and can result in punitive consequences that further weaken the alignment.  

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With Great Parenting Simplified, you can find a community of like-minded parents to help you to apply what you’re learning. We create a safe place where you can share, show up and be real and honest about how you’re doing. We celebrate the tiny wins that build the way to bigger success. We help you on those days when you feel all is lost and remind you you’re on the right path.

At GPS, support takes many forms. You may need peer support or the support of a dedicated GPS Coach. Our supportive environment allows you to try new things, all within an established safety net that is ready to catch you. Together we grow.

We are your village.

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"I've become more assured and calm as a parent, and I've already seen the changes in my children. Best of all, I am more like the person and mom I want to be."
 - Kristin, Pennsylvania 
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