Changing the world, one family at a time.
Discover how Jacqueline's journey started a movement.
 Self-identified parenting disaster to master, Jacqueline Green, is the founder of the Great Parenting Simplified movement. She is also the creator and host of the Great Parenting Simplified Series (formerly the Great Parenting Show), founded in 2010. Simplifying parenting is what she’s been doing since she first started as a parenting educator in 2000.

At one of Jacqueline’s lowest points, she stopped the escalating physical violence in her marriage by going to a woman’s shelter with her two little kids. Yet, her first marriage and parenting have been her biggest gifts because of the growth that she did in order to thrive and be able to be the mama she had vowed to be for her two precious kids, now 24 and 26.

At 30, Jacqueline Green, BA, was delighted to leave her corporate career in communications to become a mom. She wanted to do things differently than the family she grew up in, but she soon discovered that doing things differently required skills she didn’t have yet. Her dreams of family bliss turned into a nightmare of overwhelm. The journey included diving into stress, mental health issues and intense marital conflict. Not only was she hit with postpartum depression, rage that left her fearing she would be an abusive mom, and debilitating, crippling perfectionism, but her marriage was rapidly disintegrating. 
Like too many moms, at her lowest she contemplated leaving the planet.

She knew what a cruel legacy suicide would be for her children, and she wanted so desperately to have a great family life. With no palatable way out, Jacqueline became open to a wide range of solutions to her seemingly insurmountable problems. That included attending Al-Anon meetings for friends and families of alcoholics, teaching the iconic How to Talk so that Kids will Listen courses, and mentoring briefly with Dr. Gordon Neufeld.

The Great Parenting Simplified system is the synthesis of Jacqueline’s personal and professional experience. She has over 20 years of experience, including being on the vanguard of parent education online. She has worked with over 150 of the world’s top parenting experts and is able to bring that wealth of expertise to her clients. As well, she has worked closely with hundreds of parents from all over the world with almost every possible parenting issue.

Jacqueline has been interviewed by national newspapers and magazines, as well as on major radio and tv, including the Huffington Post Live.  She’s been on most major parenting series to talk about co-parenting and other specialties. On behalf of GPS, Jacqueline was nominated for the 2020 Alberta Women Entrepreneur Award.

Favorite Quote:
As children develop, their brains "mirror" their parent's brain. In other words, the parent's own growth and development, or lack of those, impact the child's brain. As parents become more aware and emotionally healthy, their children reap the rewards and move toward health as well. - Dan Siegel
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I am deeply grateful to everyone who has contributed to this worldwide movement to transform parenting into a much more joyous, satisfying, and supportive endeavor. My parenting continues to improve from my work leading this wonderful team because it continues to help me grow more peaceful and grounded as an individual, which helps me to guide my kids through their early adult years. I love that GPS became a social care cooperative so that we can scale what we are doing to help so many other families. Jacqueline Green, GPS Founder
"One of the best things about Great Parenting Simplified was that no matter how I screwed up, my challenges and disappointments were met with positive support. This support started with Jacqueline herself. No matter what, she saw the good in me, and this encouraged me to pick myself up and keep going. She cheered all my successes and challenged me to do more than I thought possible."
  - Brenda, Maryland 
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