Rejeanne Bischoff
Chief Financial Officer
Executive Board Member

Hello, my name is Rejeanne Bischoff. I live in a small town in Saskatchewan, Canada. I have an 8 year old daughter. I am a CPA and the CFO for GPSNC.
Jacqueline and I met many years ago. She invited me to join her in the Inner Circle program. My daughter was about 3 at that time and I was looking for support with sleeping habits. I love to coach and although have not yet enrolled in the PCIT program, have attended other coaching programs and hope to be on board with the GPSNC coaching program in the future.
I do my best to bring forth my business skills for the benefits of GPS and love watching how we all continue to grow and develop both in business, as colleagues, parents and friends. I am a single parent. This was a path I chose and enjoy the close relationship with my daughter.
I look forward to the growth of this company and the many families we get to help. This community is not only fun but one that understands the challenges of parenting. It fills my heart to see so many mommas and now starting pappas step forward and get the support that they need.
I love working with this team. I see an ongoing dedication and passion in members and coaches. It is clear the movement is alive and worth dedicating personal time and efforts. It is beautiful be be a part of watch our people, learn, then grow and then support others so that other parents can receive the help that has been received.
Welcome to the community.

Favorite Quote:
Now, is the only time that matters. - Unknown
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