Linda Wood

Executive Board Chairperson

I am the chairperson of the Board of Directors of Great Parenting Simplified Nonprofit Cooperative. I am a lawyer in East Hants, Nova Scotia, who believes strongly in the value of working together and that connections, diversity and engagement build a thriving community, starting at the family level.
I am also the president of the East Hants & Districts Chamber of Commerce, and chair the Chamber’s Business Skills & Training Committee, which connects local businesses with the training they need to grow. I'm a founding member of the Hants East Assisting Refugees Team (HEART) Society, helping refugee families settle in the community.

When I first met my spouse, I remember them saying "What I figure about parenting is that you love them as much as possible, and the rest sorts itself out." That was not my experience as a parent, and GPS has been key in helping me put the pieces together, to be a better parent for my great kid.

Favorite Quote:
Where you stumble, there lies your treasure. - Joseph Campbell

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