Larissa Ashdown

Parent Coach
Parent Support Circle Coordinator
Executive Board Member

I am from Manitoba, Canada and joined the Inner Circle (IC) in 2016 when I was feeling like a failure parenting my 7 and 3 year olds.
I was collecting endless information and advice, but implementation felt impossible as I was stuck in negative thoughts. I was exhausted, burnt out and sacrificing everything for my children. I was trying to be perfect, wondering why this parenting thing did not come more easily as I found myself blowing up at my children and not parenting the way I wanted to.
In 2020, instead of watching my life spiral downwards into pandemic anxiety and depression, I decided to jump back into the GPS community in a big way and signed up for the parent coach training program.
Noticing how much has changed since then makes me so grateful for the tools I learned in the IC program. I now realize being gentle with ourselves is the best thing we can model for our kids and helps us see their innocence. I’m more content, confident and closely connected with my husband and children than ever and am bursting with pride and joy when I look at my sweet family. I can’t wait to meet you and witness your transformation
The GPS community is warm, welcoming, and safe. Nowhere else in my life do I feel as safe sharing openly about my biggest parenting challenges. This community is the real deal. I have made friends for life.
Virtual hugs!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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