Isabella Bartolo

Parent Coach

I'm delighted you have found us! If you are here, you are exactly where you need to be. I am the proud momma of 3 kids (18, 16 & 14) and live in Quebec, Canada. Being immersed with GPS has allowed me to grow as both a momma and an individual. The connections I have made with the women implicated in GPS have been invaluable for my personal growth as these SHEheros have served as both my sounding boards and my stepping stones to new beginnings.
Parenting…it’s quite the journey... with both joyous and difficult moments.
Accepting this truth was the beginning of parenting on the right path for me. My journey with GPS began in 2012. Wanting to improve my parenting skills and change the way I reacted and acted around my children, I found GPS; a non-judgmental, safe space where parents can share their experiences, find a village of support, and learn acceptance - of self and others.
While learning new skills to connect with my children, a subtle, most amazing personal transformation took place. I discovered the power of a growth mindset and began to grow alongside my children. This has made me a better leader for my kids and those around me, in both home and work settings. (Eureka! A Parenting & Personal Development course rolled into one!)
As a parent coach, my approach is to gently guide parents on their parenting journey while helping them find the answers they are seeking.

Favorite Quote:
If you want to change the world, go home and love your family. - Mother Teresa
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