Andrea Purdy

Parent Coach

My name is Andrea and I am a wife and mom of two daughters (aged 9 and 12 yrs) based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I came to know of GPS through my cousin, Maureen, who is a GPS coach and directly involved in supporting other Parent Coaches in Training. Watching her interact with our children, I was intrigued by her parenting skills and unique ways of handling challenging parenting situations. Curious about this, I started asking her questions and getting more involved in GPS events and their broader community network.
In 2020 I was employed by GPS in marketing and promotions for the GPS Great Parenting Show, and from there I led work on GPS strategy and business development.
I enrolled in the Inner Circle program and The Work with GPS in 2021. In 2022, I trained as Parent Coach, earned my GPS Coach certification and have been actively coaching a Grad Small Group and individual clients since then.
I really value the model of safe, supported learning this program offers parents, and the opportunity it has given me to get back in touch with my partner’s and my own parenting GPS instincts and values. It’s a wonderful balance between the art and science of parenting, applied in a very personal and ‘real’ way.
My family and I have benefited directly from being involved with the development of the GPS community, co-operative organization and the programs it offers. I continue to develop personally and professionally as a certified GPS coach, peer supporter and parent. It is my pleasure to share my parenting journey with so many other like-minded loving parents and friends around the world.

Favorite Quote:
Being a parent can be tough...but just remember, in your child's eyes, nobody does it better than you. - Unknown

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