Administrative Assistant
Board Member
When I became a new parent at 34 I was oblivious to the highs and lows that would come! What surprised me most was the unexpected changes to life moving from being responsible only for myself and Nelson the dog to becoming a wife and parent with new extrinsic and intrinsic expectations of me. Keeping my own identity, parenting a neurodivergent child, managing my needs as well as those of my family, overwhelm, others expectations of me as a working mum and the fierce and protective love I feel towards my children took me unawares- I didn’t have the mindset to notice, be curious and flex with the huge changes happening with my thoughts and emotions.
Eventually came a breakdown in my mental and physical health. I was still pushing hard to be how I thought I needed to be. In that time of turmoil, often doom scrolling social media, I found out about growth mindsets, collaborative parenting, the significance of my beliefs and self talk about my reactions to situations. I found out about the possibility of improving life for me and my boys through working on myself.
So here I am now at 46, as a GPS Inner Circle graduate, continually supported by the coaching team at GPS, experiencing the lows and highs of parenting and life with a curious and reflective mindset. I am now divorced, living in Lincolnshire in the UK with my 2 boys and dog.
We are an interesting household! I am late diagnosed ADHD, my eldest is an autistic ADHDer with severe social anxiety and cPTSD and my youngest is a chatty, active kid who keeps us all in line! We love eachother, support eachother and are learning what our boundaries and needs are to be able to be our best selves for eachother.
I have home educated both my boys since January 2019. My ongoing underlying theme in home education is supporting the boys to create a habit of reflection and gratitude and build a practice of mindset activities to protect and/or improve their mental well being. Within this I am continually checking in on my own beliefs, thoughts and reactions with a curious and inquiring mind.
Favorite Quote:
Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin. - Mother Teresa